tekmage | hello |
dAFFY | Hiya! :) |
Ragnarog | Hi Titan |
Bobal | Hi Titan |
Titan | Hello there |
Manowar2 | cool :) |
tekmage | go manowar |
Titan | Some news for the Amiga Users we erecently sign up Settler II |
Manowar2 | 1) IS Settler2 rumour true ? 2)IS Evil`s Doom available ? 3)There`s a rumour about a massive PPC game to announced at the show..did u heard anythin ? |
tekmage | if you have a question type "/me ?" and wait for the questions before your to be anwsered before asking |
Titan | Mano: Yes is true Evils Doom will release in December |
NutMutt | re NiteFlite |
pasquals | hi |
tekmage | Titan: after you answer Manowar2's question please tell us about your self and your products |
Titan | We have release new Produccts FantastticDreams and CandyPro |
NiteFlite | re |
Titan | Also a new Demo of Claws of the devils is showing |
Manowar2 | will there be a Aminet demo of C.O.T.D ? |
Titan | Yes 2 weeks after the show and PPC only |
Manowar2 | Great ! |
tekmage | Titan: can you tell us about your self? |
Titan | tekmage: Yes |
Titan | Titan was founded in 1995 |
Titan | We produce Softwaretitle exclusive for the Amiga |
Titan | We have products like Shadow of 3rd Moon, BurnIT |
Titan | Elastric Dreams Artstudio asw |
NiteFlite | Titan: In a day where Vulcan and others are leaving, what makes you stay with Amiga? |
Titan | Niteflite: |
follow | the rulesNiteFlite |
niteFlite | follow the rules |
Titan | The Amiga is still a very good computer and we are 100% AMiga Fans |
dAFFY | 1) Do you have any resellers in Portugal?! 2) What´s the minimum PPC specs to run Claws of the Devil at a decent speed/framerate?! |
tekmage | Titan: one thing, when you answer a question compeletly please type "ga" for go ahead |
Titan | daffy: No at the moment. For Claws you need at leeds 603 150Mhz |
Ragnarog | Titan: Will Settlers 2 come out as 68k+PPC or PPC-required version?PowerUP or WarpUP?And most important..when? :) |
Ragnarog | ga |
Titan | RAdnar: SettlerII will be 68k and a special PPC with loads |
tekmage | ok |
tekmage | sorry :) |
Titan | of special features. ga |
Ragnarog | How many copies do have to be sold to cover the development cost of such a project like Settlers2? |
Ragnarog | ga |
Titan | Ragnar: Ouh no an easy question. We need loads of copies to sell. ga |
tekmage | Do you sell many game in North America? |
tekmage | ga |
Titan | tekmage: No North America isnb` |
Titan | such a ölarge market |
Titan | ga |
tekmage | do you think it's lack of Amiga's or lack of distribution channels? ga |
Titan | tekmage: The us-amrket has it`s own game developer |
Titan | therefore it`s hard for us to sell our products. ga |
Manowar2 | Titan:will Settlers2 be compatible to Settlers2 MissionCD from pinkbyte ?...Are u planning Warp3D support for C.O.T.D ? |
Manowar2 | ga |
Titan | Mano: yes you can use all mission CD for Mac working. COTD will warp 3d Support |
Titan | ga |
Manowar2 | cool :)) |
tekmage | I for one would be very intrested in Settlers 2, is there a way for me to get your games in north america? ga |
Titan | tekmage: Sofwarehut has our products.ga |
dAFFY | Will you release Shadow of the 3rd Moon II?! Will it be 68k or PPC only?! |
Titan | daffy:Maybe but the final decision was not make yet. ga |
dAFFY | But if you release it, will it run on PPC?! |
cwallbed | yea |
cwallBED | I've been away for 0 minutes. Your message has been logged. |
Titan | daffy:Yes, Shadow II must have PPC, it doesn`t make sense on 68k |
Titan | ga |
dAFFY | That´s what I thought! :) thank you... |
cwallBED | no job computer98 show have fun |
cwallBED | I've been away for 0 minutes. Your message has been logged. |
Ragnarog | How long do you think Settlers 2 will take to port? |
Ragnarog | ga |
Titan | Raganr: Release planed for settler2 is January 99 |
Titan | ga |
^Moridin | Will you make any RPGs like FFVII?? ga |
Titan | Moridin: We are in negotation with a developer team, news coming soon. ga |
tekmage | that is nice to hear |
kermit | Sorry, I miss the beginning of this conference so forgive me if these questions |
kermit | have been answered before. 1) Is a date planned for the release of Claws of the |
kermit | Devil? 2) Is it true that if 2000 copies are sold, other PPC games will come |
kermit | to the Amiga? GA |
Titan | kermit: we need more copies then more PPC game are coming up |
Titan | ga |
Locutus | re |
^Moridin | Any plans for games to the MMC machine yet? |
^Moridin | ga |
Titan | moridin: No ga. |
tekmage | Titan: how many companys are making PPC boards? I only know of phase5 and this new one, are there any others? ga |
UGN-Speak | Titan has now gone back to his booth |
Manowar2 | ok..that was nice :) |
Ragnarog | UGN: ask him that last question and report back :) |
UGN-Speak | The IRC-Conference will now take a break until 15:30 CET. |
Ragnarog | |
Ragnarog | :) |
^Moridin | Who comes 15:30? |
UGN-Speak | tek: phase5 are still "the only player in town" |