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tekmage hello
dAFFY Hiya! :)
Ragnarog Hi Titan
Bobal Hi Titan
Titan Hello there
Manowar2 cool :)
tekmage go manowar
Titan Some news for the Amiga Users we erecently sign up Settler II
Manowar2 1) IS Settler2 rumour true ? 2)IS Evil`s Doom available ? 3)There`s a rumour about a massive PPC game to announced at the show..did u heard anythin ?
tekmage if you have a question type "/me ?" and wait for the questions before your to be anwsered before asking
Titan Mano: Yes is true Evils Doom will release in December
NutMutt re NiteFlite
pasquals hi
tekmage Titan: after you answer Manowar2's question please tell us about your self and your products
Titan We have release new Produccts FantastticDreams and CandyPro
NiteFlite re
Titan Also a new Demo of Claws of the devils is showing
Manowar2 will there be a Aminet demo of C.O.T.D ?
Titan Yes 2 weeks after the show and PPC only
Manowar2 Great !
tekmage Titan: can you tell us about your self?
Titan tekmage: Yes
Titan Titan was founded in 1995
Titan We produce Softwaretitle exclusive for the Amiga
Titan We have products like Shadow of 3rd Moon, BurnIT
Titan Elastric Dreams Artstudio asw
NiteFlite Titan: In a day where Vulcan and others are leaving, what makes you stay with Amiga?
Titan Niteflite:
follow the rulesNiteFlite
niteFlite follow the rules
Titan The Amiga is still a very good computer and we are 100% AMiga Fans
dAFFY 1) Do you have any resellers in Portugal?! 2) What´s the minimum PPC specs to run Claws of the Devil at a decent speed/framerate?!
tekmage Titan: one thing, when you answer a question compeletly please type "ga" for go ahead
Titan daffy: No at the moment. For Claws you need at leeds 603 150Mhz
Ragnarog Titan: Will Settlers 2 come out as 68k+PPC or PPC-required version?PowerUP or WarpUP?And most important..when? :)
Ragnarog ga
Titan RAdnar: SettlerII will be 68k and a special PPC with loads
tekmage ok
tekmage sorry :)
Titan of special features. ga
Ragnarog How many copies do have to be sold to cover the development cost of such a project like Settlers2?
Ragnarog ga
Titan Ragnar: Ouh no an easy question. We need loads of copies to sell. ga
tekmage Do you sell many game in North America?
tekmage ga
Titan tekmage: No North America isnb`
Titan such a ölarge market
Titan ga
tekmage do you think it's lack of Amiga's or lack of distribution channels? ga
Titan tekmage: The us-amrket has it`s own game developer
Titan therefore it`s hard for us to sell our products. ga
Manowar2 Titan:will Settlers2 be compatible to Settlers2 MissionCD from pinkbyte ?...Are u planning Warp3D support for C.O.T.D ?
Manowar2 ga
Titan Mano: yes you can use all mission CD for Mac working. COTD will warp 3d Support
Titan ga
Manowar2 cool :))
tekmage I for one would be very intrested in Settlers 2, is there a way for me to get your games in north america? ga
Titan tekmage: Sofwarehut has our products.ga
dAFFY Will you release Shadow of the 3rd Moon II?! Will it be 68k or PPC only?!
Titan daffy:Maybe but the final decision was not make yet. ga
dAFFY But if you release it, will it run on PPC?!
cwallbed yea
cwallBED I've been away for 0 minutes. Your message has been logged.
Titan daffy:Yes, Shadow II must have PPC, it doesn`t make sense on 68k
Titan ga
dAFFY That´s what I thought! :) thank you...
cwallBED no job computer98 show have fun
cwallBED I've been away for 0 minutes. Your message has been logged.
Ragnarog How long do you think Settlers 2 will take to port?
Ragnarog ga
Titan Raganr: Release planed for settler2 is January 99
Titan ga
^Moridin Will you make any RPGs like FFVII?? ga
Titan Moridin: We are in negotation with a developer team, news coming soon. ga
tekmage that is nice to hear
kermit Sorry, I miss the beginning of this conference so forgive me if these questions
kermit have been answered before. 1) Is a date planned for the release of Claws of the
kermit Devil? 2) Is it true that if 2000 copies are sold, other PPC games will come
kermit to the Amiga? GA
Titan kermit: we need more copies then more PPC game are coming up
Titan ga
Locutus re
^Moridin Any plans for games to the MMC machine yet?
^Moridin ga
Titan moridin: No ga.
tekmage Titan: how many companys are making PPC boards? I only know of phase5 and this new one, are there any others? ga
UGN-Speak Titan has now gone back to his booth
Manowar2 ok..that was nice :)
Ragnarog UGN: ask him that last question and report back :)
UGN-Speak The IRC-Conference will now take a break until 15:30 CET.
Ragnarog :)
^Moridin Who comes 15:30?
UGN-Speak tek: phase5 are still "the only player in town"

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